Build a Sim
When you can't be on the course a fully immersive disc golf simulator is the next best thing. In addition to a TechDisc and a computer to run the 3D simulator, here are the materials needed to build your dream sim.

Standard golf simulator frames and projection screens can be used.
Recommended specs:
- Height: 110" or taller
- Preferred or Premium screen material
Recommended Manufacturer: Carl's Place
Buy Sim Frame
A net is required to ensure your TechDisc lasts for tens of thousands of throws. Throwing into a projector screen is not covered by warranty.
The net can be hung near the front of the sim frame. Adjust the tension to reduce bounce-back.
Recommended Manufacturer: Gourock
Buy Net
An Ultra Short Throw Projector creates a huge image while sitting just a few feet off the screen. This allows the projector to sit behind the net, rather than projecting through the net.
Recommended Model: Epson LS300
Buy Projector
The teeing surface can add a few MPH to your throw and help prevent injury.
Recommended Model: XSTEP Pro from Disconcepts
Buy Turf